My application has passed another level of inspection, the one after which all the rest is rubber-stamping. So, although I’ll be getting another couple of letters of approval as the process takes its course, I am now certain that as of next spring, I will be a full professor.

It has taken me a long time, and I’m happy to achieve this goal. It might have happened sooner if the MMP had been less recalcitrant, but research takes the time it takes. Anyway: Yay!

7 thoughts on “(Self)Promotion

  1. Congratulations, Dame Eleanor! I remember Talbot Donaldson telling my brand-spanking- new graduate cohort that it took far longer than other specialities to become a medievalist, and that one only came into their own in middle age.

    It is an accomplishment at any age. Celebrate!

  2. Fabulous! Hurrah! And, of course, congratulations on many, many jobs more than well done!


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